What makes Cannahire different from other job listing websites?
There are many other job boards that exist, however, Cannahire is a site that is targeted at people who are seeking to work in the cannabis industry as well as employers who are searching for candidates to work for them in this field. We are here to help individuals who are seeking for employment fill in all the sectors of the marijuana industry for our clients.
What benefits do I get posting my resume (for candidates) or job (for employers)?
When you post your resume on Cannahire, only registered employers have access to view this information giving potential employees more direct exposure to the employers themselves.
When you post a job on Cannahire, we will market it through social networking and our newsletter. Posting a job on our social media will bring more exposure to it, which then will attract more candidates to choose from.
How do I apply for a job listed?
After creating an account and logging into Cannahire, you will be able to apply to any job listed in the “Show All Jobs” tab from the “Candidates” drop down menu at the top right corner. All you need to do is find a job that you want to apply to, click “Apply” at the bottom, then fill out all the information needed.
Is my information safe?
Absolutely. Resumes will only be shared with verified businesses and will never be shared to the public. Your information is protected on an outside server. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.
Do I need a 215 recommendation to apply for a job?
No, unless specifically stated in the job posted, it is not required for you to obtain a 215 recommendation to apply for a job through Cannahire.
Is it required to post my resume?
Although we do encourage you to post your resume, as your information will only be able to be viewed by verified businesses, it is not required to create a resume profile. You can upload your resume from your computer and send it directly to a specific job posted.
Should I contact the employer after I applied for a job?
Due to the volume of applications, you should wait for the employer to contact you.