Here are some interview tips you should always keep in mind before arriving to your interview. Always remember proper preparation will effectively help you ease stress. The more you prepare, the more comfortable and confident you will be at your interview.
- Research the industry and company.
- It’s best to over prepare.
- Be ready and prepared ahead of time.
- Review common interview questions and prepare a response.
- Prepare for common interview questions.
- Line up your questions for the interviewer.
- Practice, practice, practice.
- Beat the clock to beat your nerves.
- Make a great first impression.
- Score a success in the first five minutes.
- Clarify your “selling points” and the reasons you want the job.
- Anticipate the interviewer’s concerns and reservations.
- Make the most of the “Tell me about yourself” question.
- Get on the same side as the interviewer.
- Be assertive and take responsibility for the interview.
- Be ready to handle illegal and inappropriate questions.
- Make your selling points clear.
- Think positive.
- Bring a copy of your resume to every interview.
- Don’t worry about sounding “canned“.
- Identify a problem and fix it.
- Ask insight questions.
- Be ready for “behavior-based” interviews.
- Close on a positive note.
- Send thank-you notes.
- Speak the right body language.
- Be authentic, upbeat, focused, confident, candid, and concise.
- Remember the importance of body language.
Even if your resume has all the qualifications an employer is looking for, your lack of practice and preparation will wreck your chances of landing the job. Here are a couple tips on what NOT to do at your interview.
- Not doing your research.
- Not knowing enough about the company you are interviewing with fuzzy resume facts.
- Not bringing extra copies of your resume.
- Depending on the job, not bringing a portfolio of your work.
- Not remembering your work history.
- Arriving late.
- Bringing a drink with you.
- Not introducing yourself.
- Using your phone – On loud.
- Talking too much.
- Badmouthing past employers.
- Interrupting the interview to take a call.
- Not bringing a list of references.
- Saying “ummm” or “you know” or “like” too often.
- Mumbling and using poor grammar.
- Cutting off the interviewer’s question.
- Telling jokes and laughing too much.
- Not making eye contact with the interviewer.
- Not being prepared to answer questions.
- Telling the interviewer that you really need the job.
- Asking about time off in your first interview.
- Asking about salary and benefits right away.
- Getting too personal.
- Blaming other for your mistake when asked about difficulties you’ve encountered in the workplace.
- Be arrogant and overconfident.
- When asked “Why do you want to work for our company?” providing answers that are focused on you instead of on how you will benefit the company.
- Failing to make eye contact.
- Having background noise (kids, pets, etc.) during a phone interview.
- Dressing inappropriately.
- Chewing gum.
- Wearing too much much perfume or cologne.
- Playing with your hair.